This has somehow made me nostalgic for something I have never experienced, or even heard of before this morning. Beautiful writing.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Vittles

What I really like about the article is the sensitivity with which it written. Sensitivity towards environment, towards culture, towards poverty, towards art and above all towards people. And the narrative is beautiful allowing you to savour all activities like the wrapping up of the pudda and the buyer enjoying the read as well as the food!!

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uff beautiful ending. going to look closely at the arrangement on the fruit-seller's cart tomorrow morning when he makes the rounds.

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Beautiful and evocative, the colours smells and sounds all wrapped for our consumption in folded pieces of paper. Thank you

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Such an evocative, engaging read. It not only made me feel hungry but led to me to a vivid a and vibrant world which has already changed. Thank you….

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gorgeous and heartachey. thank you for introducing us to Yameen's writing 💚

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Wonderfully written… thank you Farah for bringing me into your life and a part of India’s (almost) lost heritage. I’m holding out hope, that something is only lost if it falls out of our collective memory, and I look forward to different avatars of puddas and pudiyas, continue to emerge, some surely prompted, by the love you have so generously shared..

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