This is very interesting. My husband grew up in Cape Town and went to one of the few integrated schools at the time, so you'd expect his parents to be pretty liberal but his mother's attitude to people of colour is really paternalistic (of the Covid vaccine "Oh well you can't expect THEM to have two injections! They don't have houses! You'll never find them again!") and quite unwilling to re-examine what she was taught as South African history and move forward differently.

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Mary, that is so well put. It's like you open a bottle from 1685 and, as expected, its pure vinegar! Now why are we still trying to drink it?!

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This is rich coming from an Egyptian writer while Egypt was perhaps the greatest enslaver of people on the planet. And houses the greatest symbols of slavery in existence in the form of the pyramids, sphinxes and hieroglyphs. And you should read up on how Egyptian academics try to justify and play down the atrocities of slavery in ancient Egypt. I wonder if you've every read up on white slaves in Africa, that is a topic conveniently never talked about by writers like yourself. History is history and the present is now. Life is unfair and humans are inherently evil as well as good. The liberal agenda is just as bad as the conservative alternative. But there's nothing as pathetic as the weak-willed, fingerpointing, crying about the neighbour's kid stealing my toys attitude exhibited by this article and other's like it.

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Many of these farms have changed hands multiple tImes and at present owned by German and Belgian nationals . Maybe bought in the last 10 years . How do you deal with them ?

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